Facebook Marketing
- Sep
- 06
- Posted by dustin sanchez
- Posted in Houston SEO
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Most people do not realize that we are in the middle of a Facebook Marketing Gold Rush!
You can put your face, your business, your voice, your personality, and your name in front of everyone in your entire city for about $75 to $200.
This has the potential to revolutionize your business / put you in a higher tax bracket / pay off your student loans / make all of your dreams come true. But here’s the problem…
You’re doing FB Ads wrong…
Article Contents
- Step by step Facebook Ad creation guide
- Actual results from a lawyer paid advertising campaign
- Actual results from a real estate paid advertising campaign
- Free Facebook Marketing on Steroids download
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Facebook Is Not Google
People go to Google Search in order to solve problems. People go to Facebook to be entertained! NOBODY woke up this morning and said, “I need a DWI Lawyer…better hit up Facebook.”
What happens is somebody says, “I need a DWI Lawyer…better do a Google search.”
If you look at that Facebook paid advertisement above, you can see that this attorney is using Facebook as if it were Google Pay Per Click. Almost every small business is doing it wrong.
So here is how to do Facebook Paid Advertising the right way.
Step 1: Market Your Content
Back in the old days…like 2014 we used to market our services. That is so early 2015.
The lawyer above is marketing his service, that is a mistake on Facebook because nobody goes to Facebook to shop or buy stuff or to find a lawyer.
Do not pay to market your service or product on Facebook. People are on Facebook to be entertained, therefore, you should make really good and entertaining content on a blog or website, and then…
I am currently creating a Facebook advertising campaign for Rhonda, a Home Stager in Houston. I have to get into the mind of her potential clients (Real Estate Agents, people who are selling their home, and house flippers), and determine what in the heck is going to entertain that demographic.
What would someone who fits that description click on if they saw it on Facebook.
I’m going with, “Top 3 Houston Neighborhoods for Real Estate Deals.”
Hey, it’s not Rocket Surgery, maybe that will catch their eye, maybe it will not, but it’s going to do much better than just making a post with Rhonda standing on the U.S.S. Texas Battle Ship saying, “Need a Home Stager in Houston,” which is what the attorney above did with his Facebook advertising dollar. And that tactic works great on Google Pay Per Click, except those lawyer clicks cost about $100/click, which is probably why this gentleman is on Facebook paying for 27 cent clicks.
Step 2: Create Your Facebook Ad
You need a Facebook business page to create a Facebook ad so if you don’t have a Facebook business page, then email me at texaslawyerseo@gmail.com, and I will create one for you that is fully SEO optimized.
Here’s how to create a Facebook Ad…

Pull this drop down and click on “Create Ads”

enter the URL of the Page that you want the reader to visit
Make sure that you are sending them to the exact content (blog post) that you want them to read.
Select Your Audience
Since Rhonda is a Home Stager in Houston, I am going geographically restrict her audience to the Greater Houston area +10 miles, and the age group of 30-65+ years old.
Now I’m going to target potential home staging customers by selecting the proper interests:

trying to target real estate professionals who are involved in home sales & flips
I’m going to run this for 7 days at $10.00 per day, for a total of $70.00.
- I set my daily ad budget to $10/day
- Optimize for clicks to website
- Potential to reach 3,900 people per day for 7 days
Now lets create the actual advertisement.
- You can experiment with using a single image or using multiple images. I prefer to use a single images at first. However, I’m finding that video (uploaded directly to Facebook) works much better than images.
- Select 6 images. If you don’t have your own images, you can use Facebooks royalty free images. Facebook will randomly run all of your images and tell you which ones are performing best, at which time you can put your money behind that particular ad.
- Make sure that the correct Facebook Business page is selected.
- Craft a catchy headline.
- Craft some catchy text (click bait)
- Facebook lets you put a Call to Action button on it. They have options like “shop now,” “sign up,” “download,” etc. Well nobody on today’s internet wants to make any kind of commitment. They don’t want to download anything, join anything…so you just use the most non-committal option that Facebook allows, i.e., Learn More.
- You can also add a News Feed Link Description.
- Notice that I am previewing the ad in the Mobile News Feed. Most of the people who see your ad will be on their cell phone, so it is extremely important that you make sure your ad looks great on a cell phone screen. Additionally, the webpage that you are sending them to needs to load fast on a cell phone because nobody will sit around waiting for your page to load, they are just going to hit the “Back” button and you will have wasted a paid click. Before I figured this out, I ran entire ad campaigns that nobody ever actually got to the website because the images I had on the page were causing the page load speed to be too slow on a cell phone. Learn fast my friend.
Day 1 Results
Video Marketing Is Better
This ad was a video that I created for a Flood Damage Lawyer, targeted directly to people living in a neighborhood that experienced recent flood rain storms. The video was less than 2 minutes long, with a Heading similar to: Did your home recently sustain Flood Damage?
This image was taken on Day 7 of a 7 Day $30 ad campagin. 349 Video Views for $25.98 (FROM A LAWYER AD)!
SEVEN CENTS PER VIDEO VIEW. The ad performs better than 99% of similar ad sets…meaning, zero attorneys know how to do Facebook ads the correct way.
Facebook Marketing On Steroids
This “Steroids” portion was written circa Sept. 2015, 3 yrs before the 2018 update, a/k/a the #lawyerfamous method. Go ahead and read this part, because you will then understand how “re-targeting” makes the 2018 update possible.
Everything described above will help you turbocharge your Facebook marketing, and bring more people to your business at a lower cost than you ever thought possible.
However, the real power behind Facebook content marketing is the ability to…
- Create a re-targeting pixel and a Custom Audience.
- Install that re-targeting pixel code on your website.
- Now, people that you targeted in your original ad will see your ad, click on your ad, go to your website to read the blog post that you wrote, and when they get there that re-targeting pixel attaches itself to their internet browser. They read your blog post and leave your website.
- Now, because of that re-targeting pixel, you are building a Custom Audience of people who have shown interest in the service that you offer (by clicking on your ad).
- You can now use that re-targeting pixel to target them with a different ad, bringing them deeper into your little world and following them all over the internet. Everywhere they go, they will see your face, advertising your business. They begin to think that you are EVERYWHERE! You become UBIQUITOUS. You become the authority in your niche because they can’t go anywhere online without seeing your brand and your business.
The ability to re-target your custom audience is the true power behind Facebook marketing. Why?
Because nobody buys on first contact. However, they have shown interest by clicking your link. Now you get a 2nd, 3rd…22nd bite at the apple…until eventually they are ready to buy.
It’s like building an email list, only easier and more effective.
There is a little more to building a Facebook Custom Audience and then re-targeting them with a re-targeting pixel.
It’s easy, but it’s a bit too complex to describe in this blog post. BUT…drop me an email and we can discuss how to re-target warm traffic on Facebook.
If you liked this post, then you will love my YouTube Channel where I drop online marketing knowledge bombs like it’s going out of style…all for free.
We are literally in the middle of a Facebook marketing Gold Rush. Imagine if you were able to dominate Google Pay Per Click back in 2006 (when it was simple and extremely affordable).
Now you need a PhD in Google PPC just to keep from paying $150 per click.
Well guess what. Facebook is heading the same way. Right now you are able to change your entire life with Facebook paid advertising…and do it for 25 Cent Clicks.
You would be insane not to start dabbling in this Gold Rush. So whether you feel like you are ready or not, it is just too darn affordable not to at least try before EVERYONE jumps in on this and the clicks become just as expensive as Google PPC.
Fill out my Client Discovery Form if you (1) are a lawyer, (2) with a marketing budget, and (3) you want me to make you rich.
2020 Update – Lawyer Facebook Ads Video Series
Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for the next update coming soon, just click the big red subscribe button here >>> Full series here.
#LawyerFamous Method
First, you have to get the #LawyerFamous Method in your mind….
Once you are aware of the #LawyerFamous method, then you can adapt it to a Facebook Ads campaign.
Make 1 Lawyer FB Ad
Second, you need to know how to make a lawyer Facebook Ad that…
- generates clicks (traffic to your website),
- at a low cost
Make a Multiple Ad Campaign
Third, you have to know how to incorporate multiple Facebook Ads into a single campaign…