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Law Firm Blogging Expert Dustin Sanchez drops a bomb on the LAWYER BLOGGING SECRETS that you can use to sign paying clients all day every day [video series]

How to Find Lawyer Blog Topics…that produce paying clients

It’s not about just throwing up random lawyer-ish articles on your website. That’s what almost every attorney is doing right now. There is a science to it. Lawyer blogging is powerful when done correctly, and the point is to only write blog articles that generate paying clients. Here’s how… Lawyer Blog Topics…that generate income One […]

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Lawyer Blogging That Actually Works

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I wrote a Dating Blog in law school. Literally “in” law school. When I wasn’t playing Online Poker in the back of class, I was writing blog articles about my modest dating exploits in Clearlake, Texas. Consequently, I did not end up being a very good lawyer…but I can blog the shiznit out of your […]

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Effective Content Marketing on Facebook = ROI

I’ve been getting law firm leads for my clients by running Facebook ads, but they are not the traditional “service marketing” ads that you are familiar with. The newest trend in small business marketing is “Content Marketing” on Facebook or LinkedIn. And here’s how it works…

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