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Lawyer Website Domain Names – Big Scam

Lawyers are always asking me if they should shell out $25k+ for some kind of exact match domain name like AtlantaDivorceLawyer dot com.

My answer is always “NO” and I’ll explain in this video.

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Generally, if you are trying to purchase a keyword specific exact match domain name like HoustonInjuryAttorney dot com, well, all of the exact match dot com domain names are already going to be registered. And if they are available for purchase and registration, then they are going to go for multiple thousands of dollars.

Exact match domain names are nice to have, not because it’s easier for people to remember the domain name and type in something like, “” because that comes from a phone book mindset. This scam is in the same vein as the guys who somehow convince lawyers that purchasing 1-800-divorce is a good idea.

Bottom line, in terms of generating relevant traffic to your website that results in paying clients (because it’s about money, not about what you are able to put at the bottom of your business card), in terms of using your website to generate money for your law firm or any small business…MichiganInjuryAttorney.COM has zero advantage over MichiganInjuryAttorney.ORG, .US, .BIZ or any other Top Level Domain (the letters after the dot), all of which you can go register for $8-$12 and not $25,000.

Furthermore, in terms of using your website TO GENERATE MONEY, MichiganInjuryAttorney.COM has zero advantage over, or, or, all of which can be registered for just a few dollars.

Dustin Sanchez puts lawyers in the next tax bracket. Call (832) 305-5997.

See Also Client Discovery Form

Bonus Content

Every now and again you are going to get lucky, and some fancy-smancy exact match domain name will be available to register at the normal price. You’ll find something like and just can’t believe it’s available for registration.

That’s when you need to proceed with serious caution because most likely, the reason that domain name is available is because some Black Hat SEO Expert has spammed the thing to death and Google has de-Indexed it because of all the spammy backlinks going to that domain. Hence, don’t do a darn thing, until you talk to someone like me, and I’ll throw the domain into AHREFS to ensure that it is safe to purchase. See the current scam going around below…

Ninja Bonus Content:

First of all, nobody types the website name into an address bar to find a website. That’s not how we find stuff online anymore, even if you actually know the website name.

80% of internet traffic is cell-phone traffic, and ain’t nobody typing jack crap on those annoying little cell phone screens. They are just going to run a search through Siri.

So having a memorable or EXACT match website name actually IS valuable, but it has nothing to do with making it easy for people to type your website name in an address bar because nobody does that in 2017.

It’s certainly not enough to justify paying $25k for it, unless it’s something like and the domain name itself already has excellent SEO metrics to it and a strong-non-spammy backlink profile. You buy something like that, and it’s an instant business.

Second of all, organic traffic isn’t the only game in town anymore. As a lawyer or small business of any kind, you can build an entire empire off of paid facebook traffic, which you can send to any darn domain name in the world. And if you got the stones to make videos, you really don’t even need a website at all, you can just make videos with your phone number on it and send the traffic to a leadpages landing page.

Worry About Something That Actually Matters

Gary Vaynerchuk said, “The advantage of not giving a f$#k is SPEED.”

Too many lawyers worry about Sh## that has ZERO bearing on the amount of money your law firm is going to make every month like…

  • the colors on your website
  • how pretty your website design is
  • how your domain name looks on a business card
  • whether or not you even have a business card

The bottom line is this (in terms of online marketing for any business)…

Relevant Traffic + Conversion = Money

If what you are concerned with isn’t scientifically proven (backed up by data) to (1) increase the amount of relevant traffic to your website, or (2) increase the ability of your website to convert website visitors into phone calls, then you should not be very concerned with it.

Rant over…Dustin has vacated the soapbox.